November 17th- Well on the way home from Vegas Lexi announced that she wanted her ears peirced. I was shocked! I thought she would never want to get it done. I also thought that since it was Sunday, she would change her mind before I could get her in. I have been super busy this week. Monday Dinner with friends & Derby practice, Tuesday Derby Scrimage, Wednesday I worked late, Thursday (we actually had plans, but they were canceled) so I had time and we went. She did great!

She got a little nervous before hand. I was sure she would back out, but she was so brave and went through with it. I am telling you, once this girl makes up her mind, she goes for it. Kind of like her mama in that way. :)

Checking to make sure they are even.


Right after the poke. She was upset until I told her how cute they were. She then looked in the mirror and was super happy.

The finished product, so beautiful!