February 14th-So I have been sitting on this project since September. Jer's dad passed away and his mom was getting rid of all his stuff. She gave it to me to give it to me work. I happened to see two coats sticking out. They were the coats that despite the entire family telling Rex how ugly they were, he still insisted on wearing them. Well I am a sentimental sometimes and I wasn't quite ready to let go of everything so I kept them. I didn't know what to do with them. A few weeks later I thought to make a quilt for Jer with them. So I started cutting out pieces. Then I got busy and put it away. Christmas came and I got it out and started on it again, then got too busy with everything else. Jer's birthday came and went and all the pieces were cut, the design done, I just needed to sew. On Valentine's day I got up super early and sewed the entire blanket! Wow, can I say I am my mother's child? Yes I am. Anyhow, Jer loved it. He likes to cuddle with it and stuff. In my defense, I got him Valentine's day presents not related to this in case I didn't finish, so it was a good Valentine's day.