July 16th, 2011- The Party to end them all, I think that's what this was called. Ryan was turning 29 and so they rented a huge Hamster ball and had a BBq to celebrate. I got there while Jer was at work and went with Danielle. It was so fun. Later Jer got off work and joined us. He went on his own and the ball pants him. It was hilarious.


They made sure to give Jer a huge pushing start.

The ankle thing broke on Jer and so he wore it as an anklet.

I went again, not strapped in so I would bounce around more. IT was AWESOME!

Me inside running around in the hamster ball.

Me bouncing around unrestrained.

Tamara & Matt got there and Tamara went by herself. Matt didn't end up going. Tamara had a great time too.

Tamara inside.
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