June 25th- So Thanksgiving Point has a yearly Princess Festival, complete with tons of princesses, plays, hair doing, nails, food, a huge fountain for the girls to play with, fairies, pixie dust, crafts, and much more.

I dressed Lily up as Belle (she looks the most like her, and it was the only Princess dress that fit her). Lexi went as Aurora. She got to choose since (thanks to Maegan) we have a ton of Princess outfits.

In the front there was a beautiful carriage to take pictures in.

Yep, Lexi knows how to sit in a carriage, she is a born princess.

I even wore a tiara and dress. I wasn't sure what the moms were going to be wearing and I didn't want to over do it. I went with a summer dress.

The princess taking the tickets put pixie dust on both the girls.

First we saw Peter Pan and Wendy. Tinkerbell was off with her fairy friends and we saw her later.

Then on to Cinderella. Prince Charming was happy to take a picture with us.


We tried to get Lily in for a few pictures, but she was tired and just wanted mama.

Prince Phillip came over and Lexi got him to sign her autograph book.

Lily loved the Cinderella play.

Cinderella and her fairy Godmother.

Cinderella and Prince Charming


Lexi at the wishing well.

The Jasmine and Aladdin show.

Princess Lexi on Sleeping Beauty's bed.

Nap time.

Here is sleeping beauty, who got told by my precotious daughter that her dress was all wrong, it wasn't even the right color pink!

The story of the 12 dancing princesses, where all the little princesses got to learn a dance.

Princess and the Pea.

The only lady who Lily went to and absolutely adored.

I think her name was Charissa and she did craft and colored with Lily. Everyone just falls in love with Lily. I can't blame them, I did.

Lexi's wand.

The rapunzel cut out.

Lexi with Rapunzel. They are both giving wierd smiles.

Lily not quite old enough for the cut outs.

My girls playing in the once abandoned sand pit.

Lexi kissing the frog from the traditional Frog Princess. She was named Princess Emma. (I think Disney might still have a copyright on that?)

Lily trying to cool off. It was in the 90s.

My Princess being the only the who would stand with Captain Hook.

Ariel was so cute.

Lexi getting her nails done.

Lily with Belle

Playing in the fountain. It was fun to see all the little Princesses getting soaked in their dresses.