May 26th- Big weekend of change. Lily got her little ears pierced and Lexi got bangs. Both were super cute changes! I tried to get both kids to pierce their ears, but no luck. Lily cried a little bit, but they gave her a lollipop and she was perfectly happy.

Here is happy Lily about ten minutes after getting her ears pierces on our way home. Look at those cute ears!!

We later went to Carrie's house to get Lexi's hair cut. Carrie said she would keep up Lexi's bangs for me (I am terrible at those types of things) So first Lext took a ride (pretend) on Carrie's motorcycle. Then we had her hair cut.

We played frisby after the hair cut. I wanted a cute pic of her hair, but Lexi was running all over!

She is sooooo cute!

I noticed Jer and Lexi had the same profile while watching a movie and had to get a picture of it. Both my girls look so different and I love it!
Dang! We could have done both of those things here if we had had more time!