June 5th-We went to Plantation Alley. Christy has some amazing pics of this that I am going to put on soon. We first went to the Oak Alley Plantation.

Inside the House about 30 seconds before the host announced no pictures were to be taken inside. Oops.

From the upstairs. How amazing to sit up on that balcony and view this each morning.

From the front of the house.

Posing on all the wierd tree branches.

We got a couple to take a picture here, telling them it was romantic. After we took their picture, they offered to take ours. They may not have realized we were sisters. Hehe.

Beautiful orange flowers outside the restaurant where I had Gumbo. I was brave. Christy had a turkey po-boy.

This is the slave quarters of the Laura something plantation. I need to get out my guides. I am already forgetting!

The main Laura something plantation home.
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