Friday, August 26, 2011

Our new house!

August 2011- Yeah! We finally got to move into our beautiful new house! It is huge compared with our super small apartment that we have been surviving in for the last 8 months. It doesn't have A/C right now, but will once we get in a part or two.

Our front room. It is covered in cards (Jer/Lexi!)

Other half of the front room

Lexi's princess room.

Reading spot in Lexi's room.

Lily's room. We are debating whether or not to move the twin bed.

The butterfly bathroom (according to Lexi, only girls can use it. No boys allowed. She has chased Jer out)

A mask from Louisiana that we hung in the bathroom.


  1. My vote would be to leave the bed in there. It gets Lily used to seeing it, so it won't be so scary when she transitions into her "big girl bed". I think both my boys were in big beds by the age Lily is, but I might let T stay in his crib longer, providing he doesn't try climbing out!

  2. Oh, and beautiful house BTW! One of these days that I'm in UT I will have to come see it!Congrats on your new house!
